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Want to do Grade Exams or Learn for Fun?

music lessons

While these are not mutually exclusive - that's right Grades are certainly fun too - there are reasons and benefits to do both. We'll have a  quick look at some of those here. 

Filming a Music Video

We usually recommend digital exams as these can be recorded in a relaxed environment - home, school etc - and then simply uploaded. So much more convenient than the old-fashioned exams.


We do like to get children into Grades as soon as possible. The main reasons for this are: 

  • Clear goals and targets

  • Easily measurable improvements

  • Widely recognised achievements

  • Improved motivation

  • Certificates - Who doesn't love a certificate!

  • Simple and proven syllabi by the best exam boards - ABRSM, Trinity and Rockschool


Our pass rate is 100% with most students receiving a Merit or Distinction. 

Here's the book list --->

play music for fun


We'd rather not use the title 'For FUN' but rather think about learning in a more casual way, as learning for Exam Grades can certainly be fun too. 

However, they are not for everyone and some people just like to learn in a more relaxed manner. 


We are happy to teach both paths, but do recommend grades. 

Music Class
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